Routing # 321076470

Secured Loans


Savings Secured Loans


想要快速、低利率的贷款,用你的积蓄作抵押! With a Savings Secured Loan, 你已有的存款被用作抵押品, 你可以借到你有条件的存款 Up to 60 months.

All secured loans require collateral. 例如,当你申请汽车贷款时,汽车是用来担保贷款的. The car is the collateral. 同样,当你获得抵押贷款或房屋净值贷款时,你的房屋被视为抵押品.

Certificate Secured Loans

有了存单担保贷款,你的存单就充当了抵押品. 证书担保贷款允许您保留您的投资,同时获得额外的现金,你可能需要. 由于证书担保贷款是个人贷款,你几乎可以用这笔钱支付任何费用.

With a Certificate Secured Loan, 你可以借到股票的金额, 在您的存单到期的同时全额到期.

Product Benefits

No fees and low rate

No fee to open or set up the loan and a fixed low rate at 2.50% APR.1

Borrowing based on your savings

你可以借到你在Patelco储蓄账户或证书中的100%的钱. Minimum opening balance is $300.

Get the right loan amount on your terms

For a Savings Secured Loan, 选择一个适合你的还款期限——从6个月到60个月.

Help grow your savings


Establish or rebuild your credit


Secured Loans

Rates Effective 02/16/2023





Savings-Secured Up to 60 months Equal to savings 2.50%
Certificate-Secured Due upon maturity Equal to certificate CD rate + 2.25%

Loan Payments Calculator

How much can I afford?


Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s have a conversation

At Patelco, 我们把您的财务健康放在第一位,并提供免费的金融指导,由Patelco认证金融专家提供.2 理财专家可以帮你制定个性化的理财策略,这样你就能掌控自己的钱,并跟踪自己的理财进度.

1 APR (Annual Percentage Rate). 所有贷款均须经信贷审批,适用限制条件,利率可能会有所变化. Loan rates effective as of 2/16/2023. 等于您在获得贷款时质押作为担保的证书上收到的利率, plus 2.25%. Example, if you receive a loan of $10,000美元,利率%,不收取贷款手续费,36个月支付300美元.33, your finance charges will be $811.62元,你的还款总额为10,811元.62.

2 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: 没有NCUA/NCUSIF或其他联邦保险, 难道不是信用合作社的担保或义务吗, 并可能涉及投资风险,包括可能损失本金. 投资代表须透过中心注册. Patelco信用合作社已与CFS签订合同,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.


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